less than 1 minute read

♟️Play chess against a flying satellite, it’s CHESS-OPS onboard the European Space Agency’s OPS-SAT-1 spacecraft!

You can now represent Team Earth by casting your vote for the next move to play against the satellite, it’s 🌎vs🛰️. The most voted move will be uplinked to the satellite during its next flight above the mission’s ground station 📡. OPS-SAT will respond and beam down its follow up move during the same pass. Let the ultimate strategic space battle commence! 🚀🛸🌌

Folks, what Sam Bammens and his team have accomplished 👏 is not just space chess, it’s groundbreaking space democratization that demonstrates how space platforms are rapidly becoming super accessible. Thrilling! 🤩🚀🎉

A version of this post was first published on LinkedIn.